What’s tough

Every time life happens to you, you realise what tough times are. What it means to be feeling low, to be fighting, to be in a state so low that you label it as the “rock bottom”. But we all know how life works, right? There are bad days and then there sweep you off the ground days which gives you a new ray of hope. Adds another perspective to your experience belt. Yet again like the water cycle, it rainss down on your parole and it’s those bad days with their bad news and trauma waiting for you to again label something as a new “rock bottom” from which you rise back again. Isn’t this a little funny that every time you claim some experience to be the worst of all you have had so far and the next time a new one pops up. Every time your heart shatters into a billion peices, you find a way back to fix it all.

We have an energy inside us that pushes us to fight back the bad times. That tells us internally “if you give up now, you won’t come out stronger”. That’s an unbreakable spirit. Someone who has been broken so many times, without anyone having a slightest idea of what’s going on with them is someone who is strong enough to get back up by themself without complaining to the world. That’s what makes us tough. There will be many times when you will feel low, you’ll feel like giving up on the world, on your daily routine, people close to you and more importantly you’ll give up on yourself. That is just the perfect day for you to do what you daily do. To not stop. To keep moving forward despite the storm roaring withing and around you. You might be wondering – these words are easier said than done, I know. It is. But if we can say it that means we can think of it. If we can think of it, we can try for it. If we can try for it, maybe we can succeed in building a better, stronger, powerful self.

We need to have control over our mind. It should automatically tell us to get up every time we take a punch. That makes you a tougher person than you were yesterday. That makes you ready for your life. Next time when you think life is tough, tell yourself -> you are tougher than it.

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